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Hope activity on forum steps up soon, sure seems quieter than usual


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So many forums are being left behind by faceache, I’ve had to join it to just get on the groups I like.

I hope this place sticks around as it has been very a good source of information and a friendly place.

Plus it’s getting warmer so we’ll all be out smoking or whatnot!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same with us both.. I've been popping my head around the door a couple of times a week, just nothing going on, I'm not one for firing the Q up when it's pissing down with rain & cold. 

I was saying to Rosie the other day about going to Booker's and buying a box of ribs, we're away over Easter looking after our friends campsite and talking about taking both the mini egg and the jumpbuck while we're there.

I'm still curing pork, a slab of belly and a slab of pancetta are ready to come out the fridge tomorrow....hopefully better weather is on it's way.😎



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24 minutes ago, Gaza the Instructor said:

We must remember guys it is just April, so we could have another 4 weeks of this.

So much for Global Warming. More like an Ice Age to make you feel at home Ice.

It is all you fault.

It could last longer mate, I smegging hope not.....what will be will be, I don't like it cold or wet give me a sunny day anytime.

ps...I'm not guilty...😜



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2 hours ago, Gaza the Instructor said:

We must remember guys it is just April, so we could have another 4 weeks of this.

So much for Global Warming. More like an Ice Age to make you feel at home Ice.

It is all you fault.

I agree.... @Icefever you need to change your name to Firefever so we can get some sun hehe😉🍻

Edited by AdamG
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April, December or August it matters not to me, I like to be out there with something on the grill. I think what is stifling some peoples enthusiasm is the cost of a decent joint these days.

Weather aside, the cost of a decent joint is continuing to rise at an alarming rate due to all the various reasons we hear on a daily basis in the news. 

I'm cooking less than I was due to increase cost of the base product, I'm also considering more the impact my activities have on the environment. This mean I'm cooking less.

I'm by no means an eco warrior, but the fact that globally we are not currently on track to hold global warming below 3 Deg by 2050 concerns me for the future generations. Whilst my little smoker in the back yard is insignificant on its own, as a collective it can have a positive impact if used less.

It's a bit like the news today, the UK is on track to meet it's targets, but the UK alone cannot change the world.

All pretty depressing stuff, but we can no longer afford to bury our heads in the sand. This shit is now very real.

Cheers n Gone Nick

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On 4/4/2022 at 9:19 AM, Gaza the Instructor said:

I will let you know when I use it. From what I have read it is a very impressive piece of kit. It's not very often

the Yanks get all excited about a new machine is it🤣. Several other companies have brought their own

version out.


Um wrong thread mate, whoops

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On 4/7/2022 at 10:25 PM, Skagg2000 said:

April, December or August it matters not to me, I like to be out there with something on the grill. I think what is stifling some peoples enthusiasm is the cost of a decent joint these days.

Weather aside, the cost of a decent joint is continuing to rise at an alarming rate due to all the various reasons we hear on a daily basis in the news. 

I'm cooking less than I was due to increase cost of the base product, I'm also considering more the impact my activities have on the environment. This mean I'm cooking less.

I'm by no means an eco warrior, but the fact that globally we are not currently on track to hold global warming below 3 Deg by 2050 concerns me for the future generations. Whilst my little smoker in the back yard is insignificant on its own, as a collective it can have a positive impact if used less.

It's a bit like the news today, the UK is on track to meet it's targets, but the UK alone cannot change the world.

All pretty depressing stuff, but we can no longer afford to bury our heads in the sand. This shit is now very real.

Cheers n Gone Nick

Seems this year everything has got pretty expensive but hopefully if people find good deals they put it up. With the environment I think things are changing all over the world in a good way. 

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On 4/15/2022 at 7:30 AM, Sluggy said:

Still around and on the grill/smoker at least 3 days a week come rain or shine. 
just not much to talk about I guess 🤷

Fired my new Masterbuilt 800 up three times over the bank holiday. Once to burn in, once to use the Griddle and do some smash burgers and

on the Sunday smoked a 2.5Kg leg of Lamb. All were successful especially the Lamb which was heavenly. I would deffo recommend one of these


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I'm guilty of not having been around here for a long while, life has been crazy busy of late and finding the time to smoke is not happening much at the moment. That said I did a couple of pulled porks last weekend in my Davy Crockett  which turned out brilliantly and went down very well with my family who I had round for dinner.

Hoping to get some smoking done over the summer while I've got a break from college work and have some annual leave. 

Looking forward to the return of the national meet, would be good to see you guys again and to spend the weekend cooking and eating.

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