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Icefever last won the day on August 20 2022

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About Icefever

  • Birthday 12/14/1947

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  1. No...fat dripping on to the fire will cause a flame up, which is ok, if you like the food black with smoke...with both vents wide open you have very little control over the temp. Start a chimney, have both vents say half way, pour in the chimney when it's ready put on the lid and watch the temp. Make sure the fire is on one side, turn the lid so the vent is on the opposite side, then watch the temp probe when it hits the temp you need use either or both vents to stabilize the temp at that point, start cooking. Ice.
  2. Welcome to the forum Jesta....you're spot on mate, tape up any joints on the smoker, I've had one for about 5 years or so. It does the job, in fact I had my running on Sat for a big BBQ for family/friends set it at 150/170c and never moved...all the best for this Fri. Ice.
  3. I posted it only a few hours back mate....should be with you by Sat at the latest....☺️😎 Ice.
  4. This was the original list for the bbq's.....ribs went up to x6.... tri-tips x2... 1 chicken....x2 gammons...x2 small fatties.... along with drumsticks.....pit beans....I think that was it...🀣 Ice.
  5. Icefever

    Costco Ribs

    Skagg, what about Booker C&C....if you have a card, or know someone who can take you in with them, they allow a friend in to shop. Ice.
  6. It's great when it all works out...well done. Ice.
  7. Cheers guys. Trust us to host a bbq on a day which hit around 26c, still we got on with it I erected the food gazebo, along with the 6m gazebo, while Mrs Ice finished of the cheesecakes (3). Finished up with everyone who was invited turning up...34 bodies....never done one that big...may never do it again 🀣. ...................... Put it all away yesterday morn then we didn't do anything but relax.. Hope all your Q's work out well. Ice.
  8. 10-roger on that mate πŸ˜†....you know the old adage "there's a light at the end of the tunnel".....then you find out it's someone coming in the opposite way with a torch. 😜 Ice.
  9. It's not on until the 16th July mate, still getting my thinking head on to sort things out. πŸ˜† Ice.
  10. ........as Elton would say. Not been around much of late, I stick my head around the door once a week or so. After all the crap we all suffered from covid, we got through chrimbo into 2022, only for both of us to hit some minor health issues. Work is full-on as always, and back in Feb, we decided to buy some chickens, so not only do I have all the gardening (work) I have the large kitchen garden also for our own use, so after one crazy idea, we bought 9 POL...then yesterday we've ordered 5 more. 😲 The coop is over 20 years old so I decided to build a new one for our girls. Along with everything else we have to do we seem to have less time for what we want to do. I think so far this year I've only used the BBQ once, one thing we missed when we were thinking about having the chooks who would look after them whenever we wanted time off? hols and any events we wanted to attend....so we had made a rod for our own backs. ☹️ We do have a very good friend who will stand in and look after them for the odd weekend if she is available. On a brighter note, we are having family & friends for a BBQ on the 16th of this month, it started off with maybe 12/14......at the last count it's looking like it will be 26, that's not counting us. My head is spinning I'll have to use everything I've got, the offset, Weber & the ProQ. Rosie has put together all the dishes, main & side dishes along with a whole salmon. The meat side will be 4 racks of ribs, tri-tip, chicken x2, gammon, couple of fatties, the list is still growing. I'll do my best to stay on top of it all, and will be about a bit more in the future, and who knows we may even meet up at a tailgate?? happy BBQing folks.πŸ‘ Ice.
  11. I'm a little unsure of what you're after temp wise?? how hot do you want??. What are you smoking? are you using dust, chips,?? or are you just using it to cook? I'm wondering if you would be better buying a bullett smoker? Ice.
  12. The Landmann is a good entry smoker, I started off with one many years back, but like you said, "I'm prepared for any smoker around this price to need some kind of modification but would need to be limited to fire tape" You will need to tape it, there's a very good post on here about how & what to do, The Okie Joe would be the better option, that's if you want to pay the price. Ice.
  13. It could last longer mate, I smegging hope not.....what will be will be, I don't like it cold or wet give me a sunny day anytime. ps...I'm not guilty...😜 Ice.
  14. Morning Gaza, so you've had this kit now for 2 weeks what ya cooked on it... I see ribs and a drop of the hard stuff in the near future,,, Ice.
  15. Same with us both.. I've been popping my head around the door a couple of times a week, just nothing going on, I'm not one for firing the Q up when it's pissing down with rain & cold. I was saying to Rosie the other day about going to Booker's and buying a box of ribs, we're away over Easter looking after our friends campsite and talking about taking both the mini egg and the jumpbuck while we're there. I'm still curing pork, a slab of belly and a slab of pancetta are ready to come out the fridge tomorrow....hopefully better weather is on it's way.😎 Ice
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