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Kitchen Herb Garden

Smokin Monkey

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I was going to say you’ll have a container full of mint soon 😂

i have a mini veg garden in our back garden. Want an allotment but lack of availability in our area

currently have potatoes/beans/garlic/onions broccoli and mixed salad leaves all growing in various pots

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That looks great!

I am growing only Bay and Rosemary at the moment. I usually have some Basil and Thyme through the summer but haven't planted any up this year. 

Its great picking your own herbs. They always seem more fragrant than shop bought even when 'fresh'.


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This is my herb garden. I would like to get some wild garlic at some point, I think the smell would be amazing. The basil has been attacked by snails but is still holding out. My mint and marjoram had to be put in separate pots as they started growing insane. 


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I've just started lemongrass off,  bought 2 packs (4 pieces)  from the supermarket last week.  Throw them into a glass of water pop on the kitchen window, change the water every 2nr/3rd day,  so far I have 2 that have good strong roots starting, will pot them up over this weekend.



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Don't grow my own herbs, help myself to next doors, with their blessing😁 I have used dry lemon grass in a very aromatic and flavourful Asian Pork Butt recipe I found. Tastes lovely with the Star Anise and other ingredients

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