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Everything posted by Justin

  1. I think it is a matter of there is a certain time necessary for flavour and breaking it down in to cold nights so there is less chance of it furring when it is the smoker.
  2. Ohh nasty incident. Good advice from Wade.
  3. I was smoking salmon and cheese in he the light rain yesterday. Was fine.
  4. Cost it up incl shipping.....
  5. There is the weber recipe I did last summer tailgate. 1 tsp softt light brown sugar 1 tsp cumin seeds. Ground in matter and pestle or mill in grinder. 1/4 tsp ground cayenne pepper 500g salted nuts mixed nuts or peanuts 2 tsp ground but oil. Use kettle BBQ. 180-230degs c. Mix sugar, cumin, and cayenne pepper in foil tray. Add nuts and stir. Add oil. And toss mixture Add hickory chips to charcoa (I use soaked chips) and smoke indirect heat for about 20 mins. Be attentive. A shade or two darker is enough. When they'll try will crisp up. Make sure nuts are in single layer. Serve at room temp. Store in airtight container I like wades idea of smoked salt. If nuts are bought unsalted like they sell in Lidl then maybe try this.
  6. Might make a half size of yours. Bacon cheese and salmon on the mo at the mo...fridge is filling up.
  7. 20 hours. And out it comes. 600g! I did try. It a bit from the original 770 to about 750. 20% weight loss. Now I have triple wrapped in clingfilm and put in fridge
  8. Just put another 1.1 kilos on. Hickory smoke. 3 hours then rest for an hour or two. Vac wrap. In fridge for 5 weeks. If it lasts that long!
  9. I see. Ok. Thx. 1gallon milk 250ml cream and half everything else?
  10. I watched video. I notice his is smaller than yours?
  11. Yes impressive. If we can work out the ratios to be costient across a range of weights (2 gallons to 500ml etc) it will be easier to make something smaller too. That is a lot of stilton. Once finished do you vac and wrap it in to segments?
  12. Oh and I had to soak it in water which i changed 4 times as it was much too salty.....advisable or not that is what i decided to do.
  13. Laid flat on the top shelf in the wsm with the pro q maze full of hickory dust. Ceramic bulb is in too connected to the elitech digital controller through the window and the probe is through the top vent back through the window to the controller. It is happily fluctuating between 18 and 21.7 degrees as the bulb heats and cools down . The bubble wrap obvious slows this down as it helps to retain heat. Yes I know it is crap but it is what i have. I could not hang salmon in the wsm as it is not tall enough. The wsm is tight on space as it is the small one I have. I will come up with another solution, thinking, or maybe buy a roll of bubble wrap....or nick the bubble wrap for the parcels that keep arriving every day
  14. Sorry yes air drying is what i mean salamis etc....I am thinking an insulated wooden box is easy to make. then place this outside with humidity an temp control to air dry the meat? Have something dedicated just to that, does not need to be big, maybe taller rather than wider and hang things in there, smaller space easier to control temps and humidity in? Wood and ply with bubble wrap in between. Not sure if to leave that in attic (which is pretty cold as above house insulation layer or outside or in garage)
  15. Thank you. Good point Wade. Yes I did think that but I do not want too salty a taste (as you now I am rather sensitive to salt in taste, my problem with a to of restaurants is they use far too much salt in their dishes), so I tend to think less fine grain. Personal taste, easier to wash off. I will try that next time and see the difference. So far it is doing well so far 18 hour in, I think I will smoke it this afternoon and overnight. After the learning curve of my first effort I am feeling more settled this time round. And the sun is out, will be cold tonight.
  16. Ok so humidty box with some sort of humdity control and temp control its a good idea for curing meats? then chuck that is dark corner somewhere inside. Hmmm. Ideas churning, ventilation? I guess not as you can not get a humidity controlled container like that?
  17. I know that Wade has done great run throughs explaining how to do this but I figured to see a simple home set up using what you have around is useful too. More to follow as steps progress tomorrow. Thanks
  18. For cold smoking dos this matter so much? Is it more focussed on dry curing? Plus if smoking outside (as opposed to a shack or garage. It does not matter so much?
  19. I am interested in some venison and pheasant if you have any.
  20. Yes. Get inventive. Plenty here mods done on this forum. The trick is to link fan to a controller with a probe so it only goes on at a certain temp max. It is easy or as complicated to put together as you like.
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