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Everything posted by Justin

  1. Blimey @Ruedeleglise I just realised you are in Bishops Stortford, That is pretty close to here. I used to live in Stortford years ago, Nice.
  2. It is big place, lots of people here but we ill have our own area, it is cool. Lots of people looking over wondering what is going on, the braves ones come over and share in the feast and have a chat. I went last year and it was the first time I had been to event like this, everyone was so welcoming and engaging, had a great time. Though my fishing chair got a few jealous looks! I shared it out to those that looked like they needed a bit of comfort. It will make another appearance.
  3. After my first effort which with my bubble wrapped WSM amazingly turned out great despite the WSM internal temp temperature dropping to single figures over night and only up to 14 during the day. Here goes with the 2nd attempt but this time using ceramic bulb connected to a thermostat to keep the WSM at 20 degs or so. First things first. Sainsburys salmon side, the pack says 750g for 10 quid. I weighed it and it is 770G. Bonus! I estimate sugar and salt at 50/50 ratio, 56 g of each, mixed up in a bowl. I used chunky slat and demerera sugar (which has little soft light brown sugar in it (about 10 percent) I like the sticky flavour it gives. Like you get when you put soft dark sugar on your hot porridge and it melts, nice. Spread over both sides of the salmon with a higher concentration on the thicker end On a grill on oven trayand wrap in clingfilm. In the fridge for 12 - 18 hours. My kind of fridge, Bacon curing, Salmon curing, Coffee beans. Will be filling up with 1.5 kg of cheese to smoke this weekend too! Fridge will look even better then.
  4. There is reasonable hotel round the corner of course too. Hampton by Hilton £44 a night...where does you sister live Wade?
  5. Mate you will be more than welcome. My house is quite small but it fronts onto a park. January i guess. It really i geared to Spencer recovering from his ailments. We can do here first at my house then Spencers then Wades etc, why not sounds like fun then. Come dine with me, the BBQ edition
  6. Justin

    Deal on salmon

    Yes i realise that, it is just a matter of spending the money. Buy hat you can use what you have i guess. I do not need restaurant standard salmon for smoking is what i think at the moment. So I will smoke some Sainsbury stuff and lets see how it turns out. Will post on the right thread, cheers mate.
  7. Justin

    Deal on salmon

    Yes but on a budget so got 2 750g sides from sainsbury. 10 quid each.
  8. OK come to Braintree, I put you up, few drinks and smoke some fish.and some cheese. When you are feeling better. You fix date when you can and we shall get it sorted, cheers mate. You can see my Weber set up, nothing too sophisticated but but works. Then maybe I come to yours second date int he future and you can show off your new kit you have just bought. I guess January, I have setup now for smoking in the wsm in the cold, (thanks to tips from Wade and RuedeEglise)
  9. Sure thing, I have done it once but I am getting better, anytime you want. fix a date and I will see if I can make it. I will bring my ceramic lamp with me. Anyone else want to join us?! Of course if you want to come to Braintree that is fine and you can double up with Michelle for some fish to take back and smoke, I have a spare room so it can smoke overnight (takes 20 -24 hours) get better first mate and then lets sort it out. Something for you to look forward to.
  10. I will be 51 in month mate, i know what you mean but you are getting it hard, hopefully it will clear up mostly and you will feel better. I play badminton at least once a week, I must get back to swimming too. I would like to go to Pilates like my wife but it is in the working day
  11. make it your self mate, it is easy
  12. Justin

    Deal on salmon

    Michelle: "The whole salmon i do for £12 a kilo; every year christmas time supermarkets sell salmon at a loss to get people in there Obviously mine is far superior it comes from the docks i collect the same day and deliver the same day I don't add preservatives to falsely keep fresh or freeze and defrost or have sitting on shelves for ages waiting to sell and asda buy the lowest grade going up to Waitrose who buy a higher grade I buy the highest restaurant quality grade"
  13. Justin

    Deal on salmon

    I went to asda chelmer village , 50 min round trip. I phoned ahead and they said no problem we will keep one aside for you. Got there and the fish monger there said oh sorry i filleted the, 13,50 a kilo. Damn it. , idiots. Left empty handed, not going there again. horrible place
  14. Justin

    Deal on salmon

    From Michelle at above "the salmon sides i sell are farmed i can get whole wild salmon but if have to enquire about it"
  15. Nice, We will have to work out how many people will be there, If is 9 or 10 peeps as it is now (ex the various family members that might turn up. If we can get a firm grip on numbers then we can cook accordingly..., cooking loads is a bit of a waste. If that is the case then quality over quantity. That is why I am trying to get more people. It will take off nearer the time i think
  16. Justin

    Deal on salmon

    no morrisons here, witham nearest one. Sainsbury, Tesco times 3 and m&s garage and lidl. No whole salmon on Morrison site
  17. Justin

    Deal on salmon

    Damn my local one is too small, and it is not that local (9 miles away). Called them and no they do not have any. Next nearest Chelmer village 25 min drive. Oh well
  18. Justin

    Deal on salmon

    You have to fillet yourself of course but still, good deal
  19. Justin

    Deal on salmon

    That is amazing, Wow
  20. That is cool. I need get some more to do some more smoked fish as i have given quite a lot of the salmon i have did last week away as gifts and do not have much left for ourselves
  21. Justin

    Deal on salmon

    Goe up 50%, more than a bit! I have sent message about collecting, maybe if I collect and no packaging it might be a bit cheaper, or maybe I get some whole rainbow trout.
  22. Justin

    Deal on salmon

    Yes I suspect it is decent quality. Sorry about your tummy mate, need to get that sorted. Good luck
  23. Justin

    Deal on salmon

    Afraid not £28 per 1.5kg is £18.68 a kg https://billingsgatefish.co.uk/product/salmon-fillet/ Not clear if this farmed of wild.
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