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Midland Tailgate 2020

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Ok lets get this show on the road,  Rosemary & I had a great time meeting up with Oliver from Pro Smoke BBQ.  He will bring a Catus Jack offset smoker along to show and demo,  along with some of the items he sells on his website.

After a considerable amount of PM's between @sotv... @Smokin Monkey  and myself we want to be able to control the event to keep it a happy weekend. Making it an open event where folks just turn up won't work, we will only have the area that the site is allocating to us.  With an open invite, it could end in chaos, we don't have the space for parking, so we're thinking along the lines of family and friends.

There is info on social media about the event but again we think we should set a number on how many folks should attend??. this would help to keep it a safe place??

When @sotv Rosemary & I did our site visit we were asked how many pitches we may need,  at the time we were talking around 8 which is for camping and that included the area for the event...so if you are thinking about coming and camping please let us know ASAP.....




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2 hours ago, Icefever said:

at the time we were talking around 8 which is for camping and that included the area for the event

The site may let us add another couple of pitches to the main area??  when we spoke with the manager she did say if someone turns up and we are getting full she will place them on a pitch around the site.


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Just found this surfing the net,  so made an executive decision 😂🤣😎 and bought it....https://www.thesportshq.com/palm-springs-3-x-6-party-tent-marquee-w-4-sides?gclid=CjwKCAiAvonyBRB7EiwAadauqWdpaqLHXBOAvJlyyerJaoczXZI0AvE7oqRgriikMhJGC6JYzGAtPxoCsPcQAvD_BwE

This is for the social area for all the chat & drinking..😉

It should be ok for a few years if it's looked after....





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Well done mate, I can make a contribution to that if it to be used at various tailgates.  Best not take it the northern tailgate, the monsoon we had last year would wreck it.  Tricky things these,the cheaper ones are usually that for reason. Anything decent that is built to last can be an investment. The usual trouble is a bit of wind and rain and they rip or the spars bend. I sometimes think it is worth putting some strengthening on the middle of the pars the usual bend first, Maybe some strong tape to bind the middle of the spars

You should be fine at the time of year the Midland one is. At Anglia last year Lee and Spencer had a smaller and larger Coleman version that was very good. expensive though. We all helped them to put them up

As you now Guy rope is the key on something like the one you have bought and venting.

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"We advise customers NEVER to leave them up overnight, particularly with the roof and side panels on when gust of winds can damage them."  LOL. That is exactly what happened in the Northern Tailgate, woke up and the whole thing had collapsed over everything that was stored underneath to keep dry!

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Like I said I know it's a cheap one but should do a couple of years 🤞...  until we have enough money for a better.  The big problem with those Colemans is the shape of the cover lets the rain in if you sit anywhere near the sides.  I've looked at a pop up version 3x6 and your looking at £250.



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On 2/15/2020 at 3:40 PM, Icefever said:

Wanted someone to cook using a UDS supplied by Lincoln UDS Smokers at the up & coming 1st Midland Tailgate in June.

Post your name, we'll add to a list and then draw a name out of the bag.



Little bump for this, a great opportunity if you have ever wanted to cook on a UDS or thinking of buying one as well, to try one out first. Also if you haven't attended a tailgate, because you can't get your smoker there , a chance to attend one and cook with something provided for you.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm guessing this is all on hold for now? Gutted as it's literally 10 minutes down the road from me. Would have been great to pop along and meet people and get some hints and tips being a total newbie.


I shall watch this space as hopefully if it can't go ahead in June it will be rearranged at some point....

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The Government are due to make a big announcement about easing of lockdown on Sunday. Will have to see what the Government advice is, as it will need to be followed, but hopefully a smaller scale version may still be possible, for fewer people, so social distancing can be maintained more easily, and for people who live reasonably local to the venue .

If not maybe something later in the year could happen. We will have to have a chat about what is and isn't possible between us and the campsite in the coming days and weeks based on the easing of restrictions and what it means for the general public and events like these.

But even if this event doesn't go ahead this year, then there is still the National and Northern later in the year, that are still possibilities.

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as is those that have had a cold or flue and are under 50 ... prob have had covid .. 

i know i have close family working in supermarkets .. 

a week of sweats and cough  but i'm just older than 50  and take many vitamins 

this guy https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF9IOB2TExg3QIBupFtBDxg recons if you take the actual number and times it by 20 it will be around the probable number 

so you should be good to go .. 

but as always wash hands and wear a mask  

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OK guys & gals, it's now official that the Midland tailgate is postponed for now. if we want to hold it later, the site says that will be fine.... but they will only open up, if and when the government allows it. Which maybe sometime in July/August.....so watch this space...



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  • 4 weeks later...

Would have been this weekend, one small mercy about the cancellation is the weather today in Tamworth hasn't been brilliant more Autumnal than Summer, cool, wind and rain on and off most of the day and the same forecast for tomorrow.

Hopefully something can be organised again for this later in the year or next year. 🤞

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