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Pro Q CSG on the way...


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I finally pulled my finger out and ordered one. Got it from James at Smokewoodshack.com

Very nice guy, had a great chat about cold smoking. Arranged delivery for next week. I chose the kit with a few woods so i can have a play with flavours.

I have some bacon just come out of cure last night and is now drying. If i vac pack this, can i cold smoke it next week safely? (Temps permitting)

Thanks, Phil.

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33 minutes ago, sotv said:

There was a discussion on another thread a few weeks back, advising if bacon has been sliced, then use within a week. If untouched can last a few months.

This is one of @Wade quotes, i must remember to save it then i can copy and paste as a response to people.

You will be surprised, left whole its something like 6 weeks. (Do not quote me on this)

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2 minutes ago, Smokin Monkey said:

This is one of @Wade quotes, i must remember to save it then i can copy and paste as a response to people.

You will be surprised, left whole its something like 6 weeks. (Do not quote me on this)

That's what I was trying to remember, as couldn't source the original post. My take was from it was that the metal of the blade caused it to go off quicker. May be mistaken though? Assume storing it in a metal container, would do that also.

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There are few formal guidelines regarding how long you can store your bacon as it is up to each food producer to do shelf life testing to prove to the EHO how long their product remains safe under their recommended storage conditions. Because our bacon contains Nitrite it is not bound by the 10 day * rule regarding c. Botulinum however few home producers have the means to effectively test shelf life.

The best advice we have is from the USA FSIS who give advice in the following publication...


They make the distinction between "bacon" (which is immersion cured) and dry cure bacon.

Immersion cured in the fridge has a maximum of 7 days (1 week)

Dry cure bacon as a slab is 4 to 6 weeks but only 3 weeks when sliced.

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