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Everything posted by Justin

  1. Do it mate it is fantastic flavour sauce with tender meat. Chicken thighs rock. I left skin off but that is a choice either way
  2. I also at the same time cooking a half portion of same and a half portion with TRS Mild Madras curry spice mix. And a lemon chicken breast for lunch tomorrow. The two Curry pouches are chilling the frozen for future.
  3. The sauce did split from the soy sauce whilst cooking bit when i took it out a quick massage and super sauce done
  4. Man oh man. You have to cook this. I used Rajesh Tandorri Masala spice and a deep dark strong soy sauce. Just possibly the best chicken curry I have had. Delicious full flavour. Tender tender chicken thighs.
  5. Other plans but sounds like a good event
  6. I did four sweetcorn cobs with a slab of butter in sous vide, vacced and sealed the other day . The corn soaked up the butter (there was just a tiny bit left in the bag) and served straight form bag, Best corn on Cob I have had, tender buttery magic, Everyone wolfed it down.
  7. Just carved up what was left, tastes even better cold and chilled, tasty. Lunch sorted
  8. And the landeman offset in stock discounted. I think prices will drop further as the summer passes, gardening centers will be clearing their stock, of bbqs and charcoal
  9. Yes but berghoff still in sale and in stock? https://www.johnlewis.com/berghoff-mini-ceramic-oven-charcoal-bbq/p3365213
  10. Modern cooking pushing boundaries.
  11. It is certainly a different type of cooking as I think different cuts will cure whilst cooking. Not for I think but interested all the same
  12. Moved forward to tomorrow, so off to get some curry powder this morning then 24 hour marinade, 2 hour sous vide cook tomorrow, Some to eat hot, rest will be ice bath chilled and left for lunch of frozen for a a meal another time. Ice bath is supposed be half ice half water but i found when chilling chicken breast I could use Tupperware with cold water place the bag in the cold water then top with a freezer block, proper thicker one like used for cool boxes. Worked a treat. leave for an hour before putting in fridge or freezer, of course these thighs will have a source so may take longer to chill? I will be using had pump freezer zip bag to seal these ones. because of the liquid in the pouch. Will be fine as not cooking at 65 degs c not higher like 87 or something like that. Definitely bringing sous vide to tailgate. I might cook ahead on a few things and then warm them through to save a bit of time. for instance Matambre is good for 2 days before cooking or cooked they can last 5 days when cooled
  13. https://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_5_10?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=salt+block+cooking&sprefix=salt+block%2Caps%2C147&crid=KFK455YWJXXP
  14. Tee hee. No it is a block. Probably smaller. But the real deal
  15. £17.42 on amazon. Something different Himalayan salt block
  16. Yes. That why i asked. lol.
  17. It's ok. Just makes it to track subjects in the future. If unsure. Chewing the fat thread
  18. Love the conclusion . Mix them up to benefit from both stability and higher heat. That is definitely sitting on the fence. Obviously both have pros and cons, and briquettes better for log stability like hot smoking and lumpwood for searing?
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