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Better Use Of Ash etc


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Now here’s a thought, all the ash what to do with it or just bin it, well plastic bag issue got me thinks

Lump wood, bricks, leaves, chunks of general wood etc all the normal leftovers

I run all through a colander, and a bit of ash, maybe ½ a teacup and very small black chippings, guess could run that through a fine sieve to catch these bits, and reuse what I can

What to do with it, any ideas?

Edited by davew
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same, i just throw mine on the fruit trees, supposed to be really good for rhubarb also. oh wait i think that was the soot of the coal fire as the old  gentleman next door used to ask me for the soot to put on his rhubarb and it grew really good! 

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14 hours ago, Tez said:

same, i just throw mine on the fruit trees, supposed to be really good for rhubarb also. oh wait i think that was the soot of the coal fire as the old  gentleman next door used to ask me for the soot to put on his rhubarb and it grew really good! 

I put horse poo on my rhubarb? Or custard, you can work out the best time to use either im sure 👍👍

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I add it to my compost as well as using the little bits for drainage in my pot plants (summer mainly) but the ash also gets put into my large potting bucket and mixed in with soil.  Reduces the acidity of soil (think limestone/chalk etc).  Burnt bits also deter snails in the borders as they hate the edges.

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  • 1 month later...
2 hours ago, Simon said:

Dumb question but do you need to mix it into the soil or just throw it on top?

Been putting in two liter bottle with half water, when gets a bit thick add water to pour out

Get some soil and mix and replace and water in, i guess if you water in its the same


One tip, I guess lumps wont hurt as is burnt wood after all, thou i watch all mine through a collider to save old coals that i can re-burn etc so its all fine and dust really

No idea if it does any good but cant harm and easier to get rid off


Now - i just funnel into 1 litre plastic bottle add water and pour on to the plants - easy 

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