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Everything posted by valve90210

  1. I'm after some advice for cooking a joint of beef sous vide please. I'm going to be cooking to a joint, probably topside or similar, to later be sliced and served cold as part of a buffet. I'm aiming for it to be cooked medium-rare as I have been advised that this will leave it nice and moist and once it's been chilled and sliced it'll still have a nice blush. I'm planning on adding a rub and clinging filming overnight, then I'll give it a very quick light sear all round before vaccuum packing and getting it into the sous vide. Someone has suggested that it's a good idea to give the joint an hour at 49C as it helps to tenderise the meat (warm aging they called it)? Anyone got any tips or advice please?
  2. @Dan That looks amazing, well done!! I look forward to seeing the result once you've smoked the bacon!!
  3. That's really rather impressive going, lovely steady temperature there!!
  4. That's the issue I've been trying to think my way around. Was wondering it there was anything in the way of timed switches a bit like those light switches that some hotels have in the corridors which switch off after a couple of minutes...
  5. Great review Steve, I look forward to more info once you've done more testing. I like the sound of the lid open sensor as that;s one thing that cause me a real headache with the Qmasterlite on my kettle. As soon as I open the lid the temp drops and the fan starts. Of course, the coals are still in a state whereby they're giving me the temperature I want so it will get back up to temperature without a bother once the lid is back on. However because the controller has the fan going the coals end up getting too hot and my temperature overshoots considerably, so much so that I've thought about creating a manual switch so when I open the lid I can manually switch the fan off for a few minutes to allow the temperature to get where it was before the lid was open. Maybe the smartfire would be better if it was possible to adjust the length of time the fan was idle after a lid removal?
  6. Another year where I thought about getting myself sorted nice and early and another year where I've still done nothing about it... Really must get some seeds and get cracking. My Scoth bonnet from last year has overwintered successfully so far which is nice, though I know there's plenty of time for it to just up and die on me yet!! lo;
  7. Oh wow, I love the idea of these, they look amazing!!
  8. That would be a mountain of food, I'm not sure I could manage it in truth. Old me whenI was 6 stone heavier probably could have done but new me would struggle!!
  9. Maybe they could substitute it with some more meat or something...must be a gluten free option surely!! lol
  10. Wow, that is quite the burger!! I'd definitely give it a go, though I'd have to avoid the bread of course!
  11. I'm fortunate (or do I mean unlucky) to have a little boy who if left to his own devices would eat nothing but meat until he exploded!! lol
  12. This looks lovely, though I have a slight issue with the recipe... Is there ever such a thing as left over brisket, can't say I have ever experienced it!! Maybe I need to cook much bigger joints of meat!!
  13. Great idea, I shall get myself along to poundland and grab a few.
  14. Thanks Wade that is a very good idea, I have done similar in the past but was in such a rush on Sunday I wasn't really thinking about it. The hardest part though is convincing my little boy that it will taste horrible at the moment and that's why he can't taste it yet!
  15. That looks delicious!! I'm definitely going to give this one a try at some point!!
  16. My mother is having a birthday bash in a few weeks and is producing a ploughman's meal I said I'd smoke some cheddar for her to add an additional option to the evening, so yesterday while it was nice and cold I smoked a few blocks using some nice oak pellets. I was also going to smoke some feta but my local supermarket didn't have any in stock so instead I opted for a a couple of blocks of Haloumi to give it a try. Here is is sitting in the fridge drying out after about 4 hours in the smoker. This evening I shall vacuum pack it and date it and it should be lovely in time for the birthday bash in March!
  17. These any good? http://www.centuryspring.com/stove-handles
  18. Another great review Wade, as an owner of the original Callow I'm quite pleased that it's not a huge improvement over what I have (saves me having to buy one which might man I can save for a ProQ or Weber at some point) but it is good to see that it's still a good smoker and one that's perfect as an entry to the smoking world where people might not want to put quite so much money in to begin with.
  19. Well it's nice to at least pretend I need a reason... I do need some more practice with the cider...
  20. I'd be very interested to see that. The design I've been thinking about (partially due to availability of materials and my skill levels) is like this one on youtube:
  21. Hmmm, Nowhave I got a reason to be over in Faversham and at a pub? If not i may have to think of one!! From past experience I know these will be delicious!!
  22. More amazing food, I really can't wait for the nicer weather to come so I can get out in the garden and get my rotisserie finished off, and hopefully a tandoor built, I really want to do some fish etc like this!!
  23. My house isn't in a suitable state for non-family visitors just yet but one day it will be (hopefully this summer) and then I'll be sending out invites for a South East Group meet up!
  24. I like the look of the Bell's Poultry Seasoning, may very well give that a whirl.
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