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Just a little insight to behind the scenes here at WoodSmoke Forum.

This is the information that is available to Admins on the Forum, these are the things we look at to see how the Forum is working, growing and content.


How the Forum stands today with Members,



New Members per month.



This is the online users, and as you can see lately there has been a big rise in “Guests” viewing the Forum.



This is New Topics that have been started per month, big increase at the start of the year, must of been all of those BBQ related Christmas presents!



This is New Posts per month, around the 1000 new post mark for January, which is good for the season.


I hope this gives you all an insight to the Forum.

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4 hours ago, Smokin Monkey said:

The IP Address 66.249.6 is a Googlebot.

I'm no IT expert,  but as I understand if that IP is the bot, does not that mean 6 folks have used Google to search for a BBQ site???  as long as they come here that's the best part??



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