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About this blog

I hope to make a diary of our journey into the world of BBQ's & Smokers.

Entries in this blog

This weekend is for us!!!!

After 2 consecutive weekends with parties for 8 friends,  we feel that this coming weekend is going to be just for us.  I'm going to get into smoking some cheese,  we now have all we need to start re-making sausages. Hopefully, the weather looks like it will hold out,  finger crossed, as I am trying to erect the new shed that the Brinkman is going to take pride of place. We have a pork shoulder ready for the sausage making,  another belly for the curing,  this is going to be a wonderfu



Ye Gods more kit...

Where will it all end??? we started off back in 2016 buying a Brinkman smoker grill, used it mainly as a bbq.  We wanted to try smoking but never got around to it that year. 2017 went buy in a flash, we had a couple of bbqs,  but then this year we dragged the grill out of the shed when it stopped raining, I remember that was around April. After joining the Woodsmokeforum.uk,  BBQing as taken off big time for us both...so we had the Brinkman but then there's this offset just at the righ



WoodSmoke 18.

What can I say about the event??? it was a brilliant time for Rosie & myself.  To start off with, this was the first time either of us had been to anything like it  We were like the proverbial newbies in every sense of the word, but everyone was so cool and kind, giving us tips and showing us how to do stuff.  After a wet Friday start setting up the area where we would be working, read cooking, on the Saturday we settled down to "chewing the fat " with a load of new friends.  



Day off work....

Yipee... I've got to get on & finish the mods on the Brinkman today.  It has to be all done & ready for this Saturday at the Billing Smoker18. ?......more later on with a photo or two. Ok the Brinkman is now starting to look like it may work....fingers crossed. Photo 1....silicone grommets. Photo 2....Fire rope around the lid. Photo 3....The gasket around fire .door    



First Steps.

Like a lot of folks we've been having BBQ's forever,  and I mean years.  Like lots of folks, our BBQ's have been burgers, sausages, chicken wings etc.  A few years earlier while staying with friends in France we learnt to do a "beer can chicken",  this opened our eyes,  they also did hot & cold smoking,  we got to talking and thought maybe we can do the same. In 2016 we went out and ordered a Brinkman Smoker,   because of health problems we didn't get to use it.  That all changed a



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