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Popped my cherry


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First cook on my new Weber kettle 

spare ribs , and the following day a roast pork leg joint.

i was happy enough with the ribs, just possibly over tender, as the meat fell off the bone - I was after just a little bite to them . Also it might have been my imagination but it seemed the bones had moved within the meat? Is this possible? It’s just I had awful trouble finding the line to cut them when serving? They were nice though and quite chuffed for a first attempt.

The pork was the most juicy roast I can remember eating, but only got crackling on about 70% of the skin. I used a water tray , and I think too much moisture got in the skin. Next time I might try waiting for the crackling to develop before adding the water .




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Hi Paola, the meat will draw back from the bones, that’s why you see the tips of the Ribs.

Did you cook to a time or internal temperature for the ribs?

For the Pork Joint, I would either place cracklings face down over coals once it’s hit your required temperature, or remove water tray and higher the temperature to get crackling, but do keep and eye on it as it will go from crackling to burnt in minutes!

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Thanks for the comments. I was cooking to a time (ish) . I have enjoyed cooking for many years so I know by sight and feel and experience when most stuff is cooked, but I’d never cooked a rack of ribs before. I found a table for cooking times on line so used that as a guide. I managed to keep the temp between 225 and 275 f ( sorry for the Americanism, but I find the numbers easier to memorise in bbq world!!) for pretty much the whole time and from memory think I did them for about 3.15 hours, did the bend/ break test , foiled glazed and put back for about 45 minutes . I also shoved my instant read thermometer in to test tenderness at foil stage. .. didn’t bother taking internal temp as thermometer is crap .. must get a reliable one! 
rack was 1.4kg 

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2 hours ago, Smokin Monkey said:

Hi Paola, the meat will draw back from the bones, that’s why you see the tips of the Ribs.

Did you cook to a time or internal temperature for the ribs?

For the Pork Joint, I would either place cracklings face down over coals once it’s hit your required temperature, or remove water tray and higher the temperature to get crackling, but do keep and eye on it as it will go from crackling to burnt in minutes!

More great advice from the king of bbq pork whose belly pork is a flavour to behold.

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