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Hi all my name is Chris and I live in Essex. 

I had a dabble at trying some smoking on my webber kettle last summer.  Just basics really I tried chicken thighs, ribs etc and experimented with some rubs and sauces from A&O.

Having had a few extra days at home recently due to this CV pandemic I managed to get the weber cleaned up and garden sorted. 

Spent the last few days researching and came across this forum which I have found really helpful.  After making some home made bbq sauce yesterday and smoking some chicken thighs which were amazing btw I decided I need more low and slow in my life so thought I would join up and learn as much as possible. 

I was looking to maybe upgrade to a WSM or ProQ but thinking perhaps for now I should just keep learning on the weber kettle for now? 

Hopefully speak to you all at some point soon 🙂


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Welcome. I am in Braintree Essex and gave a WSM. When this isolation is over you are welcome to come have a play with it so you can see what it is about. I do most my stuff on the kettle but the esm does a gewat slo and low cook. Pulled pork and ribs are special on it.

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:welcome1: Chris, 

I have the 57cm WSM and would recommend it. However the ProQ does look a nice piece of kit with more accessories such as the handles and clips not to mention what you can buy. I'd say it really comes down to budget/personal preference as they will both give you a great smoke. But a decent size kettle is extremely versatile and will serve you well. Depends on how many 8+hr cooks you want to do plus amount of food in one go. Plenty of good info and opinions here so definitely look around. Plus with the CV you might find retailers have excess stock as reduced footfall so might be worth holding off for some deals.   

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