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Steve Harford

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Everything posted by Steve Harford

  1. I've been using Kadhmiri which is nice but I wouldn't be putting two tablespoons in ! ?
  2. Yep. I can see now. That Wade knows his stuff ! ?
  3. Wow. Great bit of kit ! I might find the price a little hard to justify though. Hmmmm thinking Chr****as wish list.
  4. Now that's what I call a great post and just what I was looking for. So it looks like I'm pretty safe after just 2 weeks as I did use an all in one cure containing nitrite. Interesting point about salmon the smoking temperature being allowable much higher, I have read that but I have always been even more reluctant to smoke it until the colder weather. I can see that the moisture content would be reduced by doing so at higher temperatures though.
  5. Great. I should perhaps have mentioned. I used a dry cure.
  6. Can anyone recommend a spice grinder which is man enough to grind black peppercorns? They just whizz around in mine without breaking down. If it will do green herbs as well, so much the better.
  7. Hi Wade. Had a lean week so far regarding smoking and BBQ ing but intend making up for it today with ribs and rotisserie chicken.
  8. For those of us on iPhones, which is what I use 95% of the time, quick and easy access to this site can be made by saving the home page to your home screen.
  9. HaHa ! I just read that through bleary Sunday morning eyes as ' bitten by the dog' ! The bug will get you worse though ! ?
  10. I have read various opinions about being safe to cold smoke bacon up to 30degC but I've always been very cautious about this and won't to it above 15C. Not for any scientific reason, just a gut feeling. Am I being over cautious?
  11. I have cured some pork loins as bacon and the majority remains unsmoked after 2 weeks due to the weather turning too warm ( I will post separately about that). It is in the fridge and still looks and tastes good but I'm just wondering how long it can safely be left in that state?
  12. Hi al While the Weber kettle is hot today I am considering making some naan bread to go with a curry for tomorrow evening. Does anyone have a go to recipe they can share?
  13. That looks amazing Cookie !
  14. I'm going to be doing a rack of ribs ( Bookers) today and quite fancy a plum based glaze to finish. Does anyone have a simple recipe?
  15. I did one smoke on mine about a week ago. Well half a smoke as it went out. I have 6 half loins hanging in the fridge which have been there since, as I feel the weather is too warm to smoke. So I will be slicing and packing most of it today then start another few for smoking when it's a bit cooler. Still tastes great though.
  16. That's what I will be trying with my next PP. looks great !
  17. Pleased to be in at the start of a very promising looking forum. Best of luck guys. Oh, and I am a Builder/landscaper with my roots firmly in Herefordshire (with an occasional foray into darkest Worcestershire). Home of the best cider and beef.
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