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Dick Bee

Dick Bee

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Hi all. Thanks for letting me join. I'm a beekeeper from Kent, always interested in smoking, but never got around to it, mainly cos I assumed it had to be more complicated than it seems! Must be some glazes, marinades or the like I can do with honey! Inspired by meeting Wade at Brogdale Apple Fest.

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Hi Dick and welcome to the forum. Honey can be used in many rubs and sauces and you should get a few ideas from folks on here. This time of year there is a general slow down in most things BBQ and posting here slows down - but many of us die-hards cure and smoke all year round :thumb1:

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Hi DB...welcome to the forum,  as Wade said there's a lot you can do with honey when bbq'ing.

I looked at keeping bee's when we had the allotment to help out but we were not allowed to have them "Just in case someone got stung "  ?...nanny state or what ????


Edited by Icefever
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