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Fired up the wsm again this weekend


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Got hungry so decided to fire up the smoker today. Half chickens and bacon bombs on the menu along with some pit beans. 

My version of bacon bombs consist of:- 

Lincolnshire sausage meat mixed with grated Parmesan cheese and a fatty cheese ( I used Red Leicester) along with spicy paprika and various spices, (shh). Rolled into balls and wrapped in rind on unsmoked bacon, then coated in a ready made bbq mix I buy from The Range.

Chicken is coated in a watered down golden syrup wash and then coated in a Cajun jerk rub along with spicy paprika and a few other select spices ( depending on what takes my fancy at the time).



spice rubbed chicken halves and cheesy spiced bacon bombs hitting required temps and ready for stage 2 

Beans are a mix of low sugar baked beans mixed with bacon and chicken stock along with the obligatory spices.

Stage 2 is once things hit temp on the smoker I dismantle the wsm and tip remaining charcoal into my cheap barrel bbq and crisp up the skin.


Photos are a bit shonky but rest assured the meat wasn’t.

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Just noticed you have a wine making section here, a coincidence I also make wine ? today I picked a load of my overgrown rhubarb and steamed it to get its juice and started of a gallon of rhubarb and apple wine.

Proper country bumpkin me, fen tiger through and through.


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On 6/3/2018 at 8:42 PM, Sluggy said:

Just noticed you have a wine making section here, a coincidence I also make wine ? today I picked a load of my overgrown rhubarb and steamed it to get its juice and started of a gallon of rhubarb and apple wine.

Proper country bumpkin me, fen tiger through and through.

That sounds great - why not start posting in it :thumb1:. I too make country wines and so should put some photos there too. As the moment we are working our way through 3 gallons of orange wine, 3 gallons of apple and 4 gallons of hibiscus. :beercheer:

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Will do at some point.

currently just getting back into brewing beer again, went a bit mad last time and ended up with kegs and bottles everywhere. 

Just invested in some mini kegs to try and keep my brews smaller this time ?

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