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Everything posted by Justin

  1. My homesmoke tailgate is more prep and marinade/brine than bbq but getting nice flavours and yesterday dutch oven, today kebabs and tomorrow rotisserie. Lovin it. Reward = my homebrew esb
  2. Just put chicken in to brine for tomorrow's rotisserie. 1.8kg chicken. 1.2l buttermilk. 4 tblsp chipotle chillie sauce, 4 tblsp salt, 4 tblsp sugar, 2 tblsp chopped fresh rosemary 1 tblsp chopped fresh oregano, 1 tblsp fresh thyme leaves. 10 cloves finely chopped garlic cloves. Chicken in large freezer bag. Pour brine in to fill chicken cavity and bag. Tie bag tight and brine in fridge for 8 to 24 hours
  3. Pickle lamb kebabs . Marinaded 8 hours in pickle juice caraway seeds and ancho chilli flakes. Tastes like turkish shish. Nice.
  4. Nice, would but last mop on a little earlier before taking off heat so they go more sticky. Bones look like they are nice and pronounced under the sauce. Nice bbq mate. How long did you rest them?
  5. The tricky bit is also have to get enough heat into it.
  6. Looks good. Tricky to get bang on as the flank contiunes to cook when taken off the heat.
  7. Love massaman beef, bravo, i need to get a joy stove
  8. I think there has been something wrong with my recipe as it ask for thls of peppercorns in spice mix i fialled that back to 1 tsp and still i think itcwas too peppery. Otherwise aromatic spicey prawns. I think next time i will miss out the peppercorns and the chilli powder. Nothing left on the plate anyway.
  9. I made the aromatic spice mix. Smells very nice
  10. I am dry frying spice mix at the mo and prepped everything for the Goan Prawn Curry. Doing it on hob though as it is such a quick dish and need low heat at start
  11. At my local B&Q they are so rude. I refuse to go in there.
  12. Veggies and vegans.......".is this the bbq?" Me: "No, that is one down the street........."
  13. I take tap off one and put another when I want. I know, how many taps are needed really or can you get away with one, that is one of the reasons I bottle , so I can be mobile and also get away with one tap on a kegged beer. Of course when pressure brewing the beer carbonated at the same time, one of the benefits of unitanking
  14. You might benefit from a ro water filter too mate
  15. You can get a three stage ro kit for about 35 quid. I also got a water butt for all the flush water to go in which I can then use in the garden. It really is a game changer because from there it is easy to dial in the water profile for anything. It is brilliant also when I use it in my kettle and my coffee machine. I drink it too. Clean crisp water. Alkalinity down from 528 to 9.
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