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Everything posted by negolien

  1. I also seen this https://kentrollins.com/home-cured-bacon/
  2. Hey All, I love bacon and prices are crazy here $12 a lb for Oscer. I have wanted to try making my own smoked bacon but I don't have the room or the time to brine it/cure it right. I seen a video of a guy using 1 table spoon of course kosher salt per pound and for a 5 lb'er he added 1/2 cup brown sugar. In fridge in zip lock bag flipping once per day for 7 days. thoughts He made a good point were not like settlers who are keeping ot out for days on end it either gets used or goes in the freezer?
  3. Yeah I got an inexpensive inkbird and it works fine
  4. I wonder if you could get smoke on these somehow? https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/food-network-kitchen/grilled-peach-crisp-foil-packs-3363365?fbclid=IwAR3TN2lPQ0jBU3QNmnUoMA7FQEc5Q4Q6b2pch-U-pU7V5m0iMYX__bul450
  5. No lie. My arteries got clogged just watching the videos. I got a belly coming so I' am gonna do half cubed and two pinwheels I think. Gonna go light on the brown sugar and I think I am gonna use kosmos honey chiptole killer bee like 50 50 that and brown sugar. Then I' am gonna use the meat mitch womp sauce.
  6. Sup all. I usually alternate between pork and chicken but use the same recipe. It's a very affordable, quick, healthy and easy meal. This week I used some cubed pork I get from wild forks in like 2.5 lb bags. I get the same thing just in chicken for the chicken version. I usually use half a bag or so per cook. Cooked in my Wok 1.5 lb cubed pork. 1/2 a lb of sweet mini peppers in orange, red and yellow 1 large onion Half a bottle of la Choy Sweet Chili stir fry sauce and marinade 2 cups rice
  7. With the price of food now a days it's almost a must. Also, for me it's only me and the old lady and we're both old. I like to smoke stuff but most good stuff to smoke is like lbs of meat. We can't eat that much before it goes bad. I tend to make 3 times as much as I need and freeze 2/3rds
  8. I just ordered some pork belly from wild fork. I might do a knock off of this for the throwdown this month
  9. I also do more than I need I purchased a vacuum sealer for bags and it's saved me a ton of money
  10. welcome back no pics? Come on man lol
  11. God I love watching these guys work. https://youtu.be/Ppbs4_yyagw
  12. Hey All, I' am an absolute onion fiend lol. I love to use these in all my burgers and hot dogs and sammy's Enjoy. BTY I use a 32 ounce mason jar for these. https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/recipes/the-only-5-ingredient-pickled-red-onions-recipe-you-ll-ever-need/ar-AA1dcxr8?ocid=msedgntp&cvid=0cdcfaf57ce043ea8222e25afc0f6f18&ei=8
  13. here's another one I am gonna have to try. https://www.bushbeans.com/en_US/bean-recipes/slow-cooked-n-savory-cornbread-skilled?fbclid=IwAR1XZzjoUoHGft36eDklRos1SDZnpf9tfrLA3nnrdq8PANzPT0qgU3hhJI8
  14. Yup I will 100% be using the products probably on a meatloaf. I will let you know. I think both are pretty spicey so we'll see. I usually use stubb's bbq sauce and it has like 19g of sugar so seems on par for that kinda sweet sauce. thanks for the post.
  15. Hey All, I was watching a shank cook on youtube and dude used these. I thought I would try em any experience? Meat Mitch WHOMP! BBQ Sauce and Bear & Burton's W Sauce, Fireshire. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0B5CZZQ82?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0192DW85A?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details
  16. LOL I think I just got a little excited lol https://www.facebook.com/reel/289153470159447
  17. I usually just do plain pasta bakes but this ones looked pretty good too. Thought I would share https://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/recipes/we-love-meals-that-are-easy-to-make-and-pack-a-punch-of-flavor-italian-casserole/ar-AA1cJul7?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=8e4abdda4f6a4aacbcad75fb13dec69b&ei=50
  18. you sounds like you're outside the us which would explain it. Where u at? I feel bad for some of my buddies down under and in the uk too they have a hard time getting good beef.
  19. sorry mesed up post
  20. Yup jasmine is the best imo.. Only issue I have is I have such a large portion it's hard to actual get any of the rice fried lol. I would have to do it in like 4 batches. The gas burner in out apt sucks even with the grate off sitting right on the burner it's sucky. Great meal so easy to make it's crazy. Kikkoman's makes great seasoning packet and the Char Siu is pretty decent using those two products. The NOH powder gives it the pink color and sauce gives it a decent flavor. Oh as a side note no sweet peppers didn't feel like chopping any more shit up lol
  21. Hey, Everything is chopped and ready to go I almost forgot two eggs. gonna drink a drink and take a shower than start cookin
  22. mac and cheese? https://www.facebook.com/reel/951614082551128
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