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Everything posted by negolien

  1. Good video thanks.. I got course pepper but only regular salt. I do have a few spg rubs I'll look at them tonight
  2. Hey All,I don't usually do beef ribs. I did some olive fed wagyu when I first got my smoker but I didn't cook em hot enough for long enough and they weren't very good. I got an almost 6 lb angus block from wildforks. I was gonna use the below hey grill hey recipe with my own rub and spritz but I' am torn between foiling a pan or using butchers. I would like better bark but it's sooo much easier to put things in a foil pan and foil the top vs taking out and wrapping in paper thoughts? I also wanted to use that wagyu tallow so what would the mix in the pan or paper be with that? Thanks for lookin will post the cook. https://heygrillhey.com/smoked-beef-back-ribs/#wprm-recipe-container-13027
  3. Mojo still shredded pork though.... I guess with bone in roasts your kinda limited. I guess I'll have to start going in person and getting boneless. I do safeway delivery and an .88 cent a pound 9 lb bone in shoulder turned into a $7.49 cent a lb 6 lb bone in shoulder :<( makes baby jesus cry lol. They got me last week with ground beef. Was supposed to be $10 for 6 lbs turned out to be $18 ... groceries are KILLING me was over $300 for two people for this weeks groceries thanks in part to that $44 shoulder. Thanks for teh replies appreciate it
  4. Hey All, New member been smoking about 6 years. I run a masterbuilt 560. I have a 9 lb shoulder bone in and was curious if there's anything besides pulled pork to do with it?.
  5. i suggest sending a message to masterbuilt thru facebook messenger on their page bud.
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