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Entry Level Offset SMoker?


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Hi All,

I'd like to get into smoking and have been looking for an entry level offset smoker. So far on my searches the Landmann Kentucky smoker and Chargriller pro have came up. I'm looking to spend around £200-300 but open to suggestions from you more seasoned smokers (pun intended). 

Thanks in advance.

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Welcome to the forum Matty....I started off with the landmann, you may have read the thread on here about the mods that are needed on the Kentucky??.  Either of those two makes will get you up & running....just go for it.



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Hi Ice,

Yes I think that was the thread I found on google that lead me here actually! I think I will take the plunge and get myself some of that fire rope and try not to make too much of a hash of it! Stay tuned for more newbie questions 😀

Thanks again

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Me again!

The site that I saw the Landmann for sale is now sold out (people getting ready for summer I suppose!) I have found two other smokers at a similar price point on wayfair:



Does anyone have any views on these, do they seem 'too cheap'? I would assume that the mods carried out on the Landmann Kentucky would apply to these too so maybe I could make them work?

Thanks again.

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Thanks again Ice, your google clearly behaves better than mine!

I will get that ordered. Do you remember how much and what stove rope you used? I seem to remember on the other thread that someone mentioned using self adhesive ones rather than use silicon to apply it.



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Deffo self adhesive...👍...not sure on what make of tape but something like this..https://www.amazon.co.uk/Fireplace-Chimney-Self-Adhesive-Resistant-2-5-Metre/dp/B0777RXKZZ/ref=sr_1_8?crid=802GT4FQQECI&dchild=1&keywords=stove+tape+seal&qid=1620465060&sprefix=stove+tape+%2Caps%2C188&sr=8-8

Needs to be around 10mm wide and maybe 3 or 5mm think...this one is 2mm and may not be up to some of the gaps you may find....if I remember right I think you need around 2 packs???



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  • 1 year later...

I think only tube smokers are capable of delivering matchless performance. The design of the smoker features four baffles and a reverse flow feature, providing stunning results. Since this smoker comes with smokestack locations and removable baffles, you can easily customize it according to your desires. I owned an Oklahoma Joe. This model enables you to switch quickly between regular and reverse flow smoking, which results in more accurate cooking. Other excellent features that come with the unit include a warming tray for side dishes, a bottom shelf for storing items, and easy access to the firebox. Except for the paint peeling from the firebox and the hard to clean things, I mostly like its temperature gauges, reverse flow heating, and sturdy heavy gauge steel. You can try this out.

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