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First go at Smoked Salmon


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Ok first question.   Asda half fillet in the fridge with a cure that came ready mixed with my Cold Smoke generator.   Think it’s just a 50.50 mix salt and sugar

All is good but reading an American site they recommend freezing either pre or post cure to kill parasites    Got me worried   Do I need to do this as it’s not in Wades guide 







Edited by mark70
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Hi Mark

You do not need to freeze your fillet.

The freezing is recommended to kill a range of parasites that are transferable to humans. These are rare and it is really only relevant for for wild caught fish - which are much more common in the USA. Farmed Salmon (which is what your Asda fillet will be) are protected against parasites and are carefully screened at the farm and so are considered by both the EU and the UK FSA to be parasite free.

The freezing process to kill parasites is a little more complex than just popping it in your fridge freezer compartment overnight, as the temperatures required are very important. You will find more information about it here http://www.woodsmokeforum.uk/topic/299-why-do-we-sometimes-need-to-freeze-fish-before-smoking/?tab=comments#comment-1245

If you need any more information then please ask again :thumb1:

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4 hours ago, Wade said:

Hi Mark

You do not need to freeze your fillet.

The freezing is recommended to kill a range of parasites that are transferable to humans. These are rare and it is really only relevant for for wild caught fish - which are much more common in the USA. Farmed Salmon (which is what your Asda fillet will be) are protected against parasites and are carefully screened at the farm and so are considered by both the EU and the UK FSA to be parasite free.

The freezing process to kill parasites is a little more complex than just popping it in your fridge freezer compartment overnight, as the temperatures required are very important. You will find more information about it here http://www.woodsmokeforum.uk/topic/299-why-do-we-sometimes-need-to-freeze-fish-before-smoking/?tab=comments#comment-1245

If you need any more information then please ask again :thumb1:

Thanks Wade really useful

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