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Sarah Duffy

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Everything posted by Sarah Duffy

  1. Thank you. Yes I can be a cheap skate I don’t think I need anything other than the wand really. Plenty of foil, pots, boxes and lids etc etc. Food bags will suffice for now as it’ll be chicken breast, steak and fish I play with for now
  2. Ohbyes, been there! I will likely adapt a box with lid
  3. Ha ha! Good to know. Looking at the proper bags, they’re not overly expensive so I’d probably just go with those over the food bags (long term)
  4. Thank you! I must go have a look at the loca aldi. It’ll be mostly 1 hour max cooks for now so I think I’ll give food bags a shot first o
  5. Thanks! I thought I should be fine without but had noticed you used them with the rice pudding
  6. Ah ok thank you! Yes, don’t want them to melt on the food! Any recommendations on vac seelers? I guess something I can use with rolls would be more cost effective on the long run
  7. Well the sous vide is on its way but what about bags? I can’t get a vacuum sealer just yet. I had planned to use the food zip lock bags from a super market but will they actually be ok with the heat for long periods? They generally do say not to use in heat!
  8. Yes these would need a couple years at least! We have plans to make stepping stones for the kids and some reindeers around xmas.
  9. Ah ha ok thanks! So I’ll have a lot ok at the spec before ordering then.
  10. They are very, very sappy. Smell lovely but wouldn’t fancy the taste. Too fresh anyway. Only around 4 months so far
  11. Nah, various strains of conifer
  12. To think 26 hours ago I was all ‘eh? Cooking in a plastic box? What’s that about then?’ Now a whole new world of culinary experiences await! So many recipes i use and marinades ive done would just be incredible with smoker or the wand!
  13. Yes... I think sous vide first as that will be used a lot. Ill take a bit more time with choosing a smoker but would like something before our next camping trip in October. We’re meeting with some friends who happily live off crisps, hot dogs and burgers while camping. Our last trip ended up with me cooking for all 9 of us every day. (They fed me whiskey in payment so all good) but smoker and sous vide will certainly reduce my hours of prep and standing over multiple stoves!
  14. Totally sold. May order a wand tomorrow. Boxes: I have about 20 boxes in various sizes in the workshop. Need to check but I believe they should be suitable. What are the quantity limits per size? Do you go on weight of food or volume of space? So if I adapt a 14l box would that be suitable for 2, 6 or 10 steaks, a joint? Do I need to also adapt a 25l box if I’m cooking 6 or above? Balls.. do I need balls? I’ve read they’re better to have for longer cooking times but are those ‘longer cooking times’ 8 hours or 18 hours? Beef joint.. thinking smoke then sous vide. Or sous vide and finish in the oven for the crispy bits? Oh lord, smoke, sous vide and then chargrill the outside? Drooling... Thank you!
  15. Think it’s the one wade reviewed. Seems okish for entry level and having a play. I am wondering if I should just save up/keep an eye out for a bargain on a smokey mountain!
  16. I was looking at this. Wondering if it might be an ideal starter and budget friendly https://www.gardengiftshop.co.uk/bbq-smokers/premium-charcoal-bbq-smoker-grill?gclid=Cj0KCQjw_vfcBRDJARIsAJafEnGs_DYriYex_ZvFPaPCHWi44sOsKGhlhvrufQ-53U7AI5M6YRR5mNQaAhmaEALw_wcB
  17. Ah packs down! Didn’t see that bit. Oh yes that could be good
  18. That’s awesome! Probably wouldn’t be suitable to take camping mind
  19. Yep! Exactly this. I’ve really missed bbq while we’ve been away. Not the same when you pan fry it! Thinking a bullet style would be easier to cart around. Got another week away In October with friends and it would make t much easier to cook for all
  20. Ah that would be great, thank you! Would like to get to grips with something before Xmas!
  21. Not a clue. Just the barrel style bbq with lid. Probably came from b&q! It’s about had it to be fair. I’m hoping my mum will give up hers before we buy a new one as really enjoyed cooking on it! (American grill thing with adjustable coal tray and ash tray)
  22. Smokey mountain may be out of budget at the moment. Whatever I go for will need to be left out in the elements at the moment! Garage has been converted, old sheds ripped down so until the garden is finished next year I won’t have my BBQ shack or a garage to store it in. I guess if it’s small it can be kept in the dining room or something.
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