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Monolith kamado classic


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So im looking at expanding the bbq's and fancy a deep dive into kamado's , now i found as entry levels a few contenders but im leaning to the monolith classic original, now ive been told "lifetime garentee" "made in the same place as kamado joe" "all kj parts accessory's are the same" 

So i thought id ask, does anyone have one, what are they like and how do they compare to the rest. 

Thank you 

Colin 👍

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I have a Monolith kamado and its great!

There is another post that I went into detail about my experience, thoughts, differences between monolith and kamado joe and what swayed me to get a Monolith in the end👍 Just have a look through, there are some pics aswell.

Hope this helps!😁

Edited by AdamG
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Very helpfull @AdamG thankyou 👍 im kind of swayed by the amount of accessories available at reasonable prices. How helpfull @bbqbarn have been, once again , not pushy just answering questions and just being really honest. And at £625 with accessories i cant argue tbh 🤔

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1 hour ago, Colin39 said:

@AdamGThey were saying in the shop that the top vent (chimney) from the kj fits , i like the kj vent type, they said they can sort something out for me. 

I had the exact same idea as you....but so far I have been happy with the standard one that I aint got round to getting one. I still prefer the kj one since it eliminates the chance of the vent opening/shutting when you open the lid (although if you remember to spin the whole top vent so that the 2 screws are inline then the problem is eliminated anyway, its just remembering to do this lol).

Had my monolith for 14 months so far and it still looks new on the outside🍻

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10 hours ago, Colin39 said:

Think my mind is made up tbh, just gotta tell the wife ive won 🤣🤣😂 a kamado, and not to look at September's credit card bill 😂🤣😄

they are a great piece of kit👍. Are you going for the basic or the pro series?

I had loads of old dj music equipment collecting dust in the loft....not touched in 2 years and no desire to set them up again. So I sold it all and thats how I got my Monolith. Swapped one hobby for another....the wife wasnt too pleased but after a couple of months she came around after a few meals on it haha🤣😂


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I still have all my vinyls up in the loft but everything else is gone. I dont think I could have just sold them without a new hobby to take their place 😆

You will have D-day (kamado landing/delivery) and judgement day (when the wife see's the bank statement) to look forward to 😂🤣😂 👍

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2 hours ago, AdamG said:

I still have all my vinyls up in the loft but everything else is gone. I dont think I could have just sold them without a new hobby to take their place 😆

You will have D-day (kamado landing/delivery) and judgement day (when the wife see's the bank statement) to look forward to 😂🤣😂 👍

I have a cunning plan, im gunna get it delivered to a friends workshop, cook on it a few times 🤣😂 and then the old , look what i got off gumtree for next to nothing USED baby 🤦‍♂️ lets see if i get away with it😂🤣 pre-ordered for late September wont be an unboxing more like a new to me unboxing lmfao.

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