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Cardiff BBQ'er & new Masterbuilt 560 owner

Will Paidallosgi

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Howdy y'all

After 6 weeks of research and dozens of YouTube videos by drawling Texan BBQ experts  it came down to the Masterbuilt 560 and a Pit Boss pellet grill (as it can sear if you move the unreachable flap)! I worried that pellet consumption would be high and costly and that food may not be crispy or smoky enough - SO MANY opinions out there. So my 560 comes in a few days. 

I've had a Brinkmann Pitmaster for 15 years which finally corroded through in one spot - plus its an absolute beast to babysit and maintain temps.  I did these ribs on it and I just could not get it to sit at under 300F due to the perforation by the fire box flap so it had to be done - and at a terrible furloughed time!  The ribs were still very good indeed (although a bit pepperty so will change my S&P rub to 40% pepper now) and I actually like them to be a little firm rather than more like those very soft wet ones you can buy vac packed in supermarkets.



My first ever brisket too (was a bit tough but learnt some more tricks since) :)


Looking forward to sharing tips and mods for the Masterbuilt gravity fed!

Will (and my handle surname means 'watchoutyoudontburnit' in Welsh - which has me in stitches LOL)  🙂🤣



Edited by Will Paidallosgi
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