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Posts posted by Sargan

  1. 2 hours ago, markie_q said:

    concept certainly seems like a winner. 

    It does seem to give benefits of a pellet at significantly lower cost & complexity.plus hugey cheaper to run.

    The ability to run as a smoker, or akin to a more traditional BBQ.

    Tempting .....

    I have a gas BBQ, which is really useful,for quick controllable grilling, but does not get as hot as I want for high temp searing.

    Could replace that ...if new model fixes the issues.

    I would assume fine control and long burn of my ProQ would still be retained for normal low & slow smoking.

  2. I know there have been some posts last year on the 560 ....

    Be interested to hear of how the 560 has gone, for those that are actually using them.   Been reading up for possible purchase to replace my gas BBQ.

    Concern is the report of problems with manifold with firebox being poorly manufactured,  metal bubbles up and starts deteriorating.   Read a response from Masterbuilt that it’s designed to do this ... agree design may mean it happens, but can’t honestly believe any engineer would design steel to erode away.   Are there product improved versions ?

    Also heard of WifFi issue and so users in the US have had to swap out to a Fireboard instead.

    As posted last year ... UK price seems highly inflated ..... £375 (equiv) becomes £590.   If you consider the £375 price includes standard dealer margin  (at least 40%)  .... just looked at UK dealer price .. they charge £50 for delivery.  

    Anyway ignoring excessive pricing .... would like to know how users finding them.)



  3. On 12/31/2019 at 11:02 PM, Sargan said:

    I have put a request out to SmartFire ..... I would like to buy for price adverttised .... would apply as per Trade Descripions Act if it was UK company.

    Happy to buy at that price but not at £250      ... would get a standard pit controller for £60 instead.


    Lets hope I'm lucky

    Update ... I did buy at advertised price, so a good deal.

  4. Preparing Salmon for Xmas.

    Did the sugar/salt mix .... wrapped in cling film,  but got side tracked and left it on for 20 Hrs .... for some reason had 24 Hrs in my head.

    Should have been around 4 Hrs ...... Is it worth continuing or throw it.


  5. Smoked plenty of hard cheese, now going to try 'soft cheese;

    Some Stilton ..... which I guess will smoke same as hard cheese - stand the wedge on a wire rack.

    Also some Mozzarella, suspend in sring hammock ............. 2 questions on this.

    # Soft Mozzarella as you know is stored in whey,    so after smoking, how do you store it ?  I could vac pac ?

    # How long do you smoke soft cheeses for - I typcially do hard cheese for around 3 Hrs

  6. 3 hours ago, Wade said:

    Mozzarella is a soft cheese and you need to be careful when smoking it. There are two main types of Mozzarella - fresh and hard. The fresh mozzarellas are sold in bags of brine (often used in salads) and the hard mozzarellas are sold vacuum packed (usually used on pizzas). When you see smoked mozzarellas on the American forums they are usually using the hard version and this can be smoked just like cheddar.

    The fresh mozzarellas need a little more preparation as they contain a high water content and. Fresh mozzarella usually has a "use by" date whereas hard cheese usually has a "best before" date. When chosing the type of fresh mozzarella to smoke ensure that it is made with pasteurised milk. Some are made with fresh milk and these ...

    I now consider myslef eductated on Mozzarella - thank you, I didn't know there were 2 types, we typically buy Galbani product, which is in a little plastic bag of Whey.   I'll look for some hard mozzarella and try that

  7. 2 hours ago, Wade said:

    They do smoke - but not well. With many of the stronger blue cheeses the smoke flavour competes with the flavour of the cheese rather than compliment it.

    Never bothered, and looks like I won't ..... I just saw a local company showing them for sale, so thought I'd check.     

  8. Smoke plenty of cheese, but all have been hard cheese.

    Maybe time to try Mozzarella, question when you buy Mozzarella it is sealed ina bag with Whey.

    After it has been smoked, I vac-pack cheese and put in teh fridge, woudl you vac-pack with original Whey or vac-pack dry.



    A 2nd Q ..... sort of related not smoked any of the 'Blue cheeses'   Danish Blue, Stilton, Gorganzola etc.      Do these smoke well ? ...

  9. I'll try & compare the 2 methods ... I find the oil makes the salt stick pretty well .... but always keen to improve.

    My method is more or less exct copy of the process in Turan Turan's book on smoking, so always happy to use what works with others


  10. Thinking about some cured & smoked salmon for Xmas.

    Done Gravlax last couple of years, thinking maybe smoked this year ...... anybody got a real good recipe, and secodly once smoked, how long will it keep if vac packed and in a fridge ? Be nice to do it early.

  11. Time of year when I cold smoke cheese.

    Typically Cheddar, Red Leicester, Gouda & Edam.

    1-3 Hrs in cold smoker, usually one batch with Hickory, and another with Beech or Maple.

    I cut into aprox 3" x2" blocks rather than whole blocks to get more smoke around the cheese, the Edam & Gouda left in full wedge sizes.

    My question is .... once smoked, and Vac Packed ..... stored in a Fridge, how long will this last ?

    Previoulsy any left afte a year I discard.

  12. I cold smoke Cashews & peanuts

    After reading some of the methods here - seems I do things a lot simpler ...... these are my steps, be interested in your comments

    Start with Raw unsalted Cashews  ( I do 500gm at a time in my mesh basket)

    Dry roast at 180C on a baking tray in the oven for aprox 10min ...... watch they dont burn.

    Sprinkle lightly with groundnut oil  ... enough to coat all nuts lightly  (makes salt & smoke stick)  

    Then sprinkle with Sugar:Salt mix  (about 4:1)

    Cold smoke in my ProQ for around 6Hrs .,.... I use Maple or Hickory

    Vac pack once done - and store in fridge - try not to eat any for a week, as flavour improves.



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  13. I have put a request out to SmartFire ..... I would like to buy for price adverttised .... would apply as per Trade Descripions Act if it was UK company.

    Happy to buy at that price but not at £250      ... would get a standard pit controller for £60 instead.


    Lets hope I'm lucky

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