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Blow Torch Advice


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Hello, I’ve been wasting away lots of hours on YouTube following smokers and sous-viders alike. Every time I’ve tried steak in the sous vide and sear on the pan I end up over cooking it, so I can only assume I need more heat for a shorter amount of time. I’m looking to get a decent blow torch as the diddy one I have is probably only good for crème brûlée and in the chimney starter. I’ve looked at loads, ranging from the stupidly sized thing that Guga uses in Sous Vide Everything, which must surely require a pilot’s license to operate, all the way down to stander plumber’s torch with small butane tanks. I like the look of the SearzAll and the SearTec but think they would need the Bernzomatic TS8000 which seems difficult to get over here. Does anyone have any experience or recommendations? Thanks.

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Hah, I literally just ordered the Super Fire 2 and a couple of MAPPs this morning. I did a 4 hour sous vide steak last night, but it was somewhat over done on the BBQ trying to get a decent finish on the outside, so I’ll try the same again with the torch once it’s here. But thanks for giving me a good feeling that I got the right one! I’m also thinking a 6hr sous vide at 55degC to make it a bit rarer than the 57degC I started with.

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Sadly the OH can’t have butter, so I wont get that perfect browned finish. I’ve had some success with the bow torch giving a nice sear but the sous vide was for far too long and the consistency came out like liver. I’ll stick to 1-2hrs max depending on thickness. I’l also go for 53/54degC max as well.

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