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First Bacon


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Hi guys.. first time making bacon.

I know i messed up the prague powder measurement and put too little in. 

Left in the fridge for a week. turned every day. in a glass dish covered with plastic wrap.

Then washed and put it on a wire rack for 3/4 days in the fridge uncovered.

Then hug in a cool place for a couple of days.


the rack has left some marks. I guess residual salt etc has reacted with the metal.

is this a problem and is the too little cure a problem.

looks like bacon, smells a bit wierd. tastes mostly ok.




edit: fyi weights etc are as follows

1484g pork belly

44g salt (~30%)

14g sugar (~10%)

0.7g prague powder (~not alot). should have been 3.5g?



Edited by cha0s
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Was the Prague Powder #1 or #2. Also can you confirm that it contained 6.25% Sodium Nitrite.

Assuming it was #1 at 6.25% Nitrite then you have applied just under 30 mg/Kg of Nitrite to the meat (30 ppm). The maximum level permitted commercially is 150 mg/Kg though it has found to still be effective at 50 mg/Kg. You are still significantly below this level.

With bacon, although the Nitrite is used to provide some bacterial protection, its main purpose is as a flavouring and also to inhibit the rancidification of the fat. From what you have described it should be safe to eat - though ensure that it passes the "sniff test". You will be able to tell if the fat has started to go off. I suggest that you eat it quickly and freeze what you cannot eat straight away.

The marks from the rack will be fine - just cut them off.

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